
Testimonials about HCO

Hear what others have had to say about the Hobart Chamber Orchestra

“There was clearly a special connection between conductor McGrath and the musicians, constantly evident in eagerness and warmth of expression allied to high technical standards”

Peter Donnelly 2021

“Consistently accomplished in tone, balance and ensemble”

Peter Donnelly 2021

“Both soloist and orchestra were in accord, bringing commitment, stylishness and energy to this youthful work”

Peter Donnelly 2020

"The HCO managed in triumphant style"

Peter Donnelly 2018

"An outstanding success"

Peter Donnelly 2018

"The audience was enraptured from start to finish"

The Examiner 2021

"A moving performance of high quality classical music"

The Examiner 2021

Get excited for our upcoming concerts!

upcoming concerts